Saturday, February 27, 2010

Welcome to my bulging belly blog!!

I have struggled with a bulging belly for over 9 years after I had my first child. It seemed liked everything I ate just seemed to increase the bulge in my belly. I would do exercises here and there but it didn't result in much. I found myself having to buy bigger pants and even bigger shirts to cover my bulging belly!!

I was not happy with myself at all. I knew I had to change my eating habits but did not know where to start nor did I know what particular foods to look for or what particular exercises to do. Being a full time mother and working a 40 hour a week job I had little time already much less time to cook healthy foods. I thought that it was expensive to eat healthy and also time consuming so when I would go to the grocery store I usually got my regular foods that I was comfortable eating and also knew that the grocery bill was not going to be high.

As far as exercises went to reduce my bulging belly, I had enrolled in a Yoga class as I wanted to also find something to help reduce my stress levels. I was experiencing a lot of stress from work and also knew that stress was directly related to the extra weight on my belly so I thought Yoga would help. After a couple of months doing Yoga, it seemed to have helped me with my stress but I still had the bulge in my belly that I was trying so desperately to reduce. At this point I was hopeless and reverted back to my unhealthy eating habits and found myself even getting more bigger in my belly. It seemed like that was the only part of me that was getting bigger because if you looked at the rest of my body it looked like I was skinny. A lot of people would say that I was skinny and that I did not need to lose weight but I knew at the end of the day when I looked into the mirror I was not happy with what I saw.

Fast-forward to November of last year 2009, I found a really helpful guide in reducing my bulging belly. It has not only helped me in reducing my belly but also in maintaining it. The key lies in not only eating the right types of food but exercising on a consistent basis. It has taught me unique workouts, how to lose fat naturally, control my cravings for sweets, healthy meal plans and a ton of other information that I am committed to sharing with the rest of the world. This is very important information that everyone needs to know about in order to be more healthy and live a longer life. I've learned to take diet out of my vocabulary and also taught myself that living healthy is not temporary, it is a lifestyle change and something that I am incorporating for the rest of my life.

I hope the readers of this blog can get valuable information about removing their bulging belly like I did and that it will change their lives forever because it has truly changed mine. Please be open to the articles that I will post because they are going to be hard to digest especially about certain types of foods that we eat on a daily basis that are basically not good for us. You need to be educated about everything that you put into your body and this is the way that you are going to do that. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and/or ideas as this will only help other readers who may be going through the same thing.

Thank you for reading my blog, you are on your way to getting rid of that bulging belly!! If you would like to get the guide that changed my life and can change yours too right now, click the following: BlastBulgingBelly.

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